The ISHAWS, aware of the need for the healthcare provider Italian gifts of the objective criteria of quality, has decided to propose a program evaluation of accreditation in surgery of the abdominal wall for the individual trader, as well as for the surgical facilities, with the aim of being able to identify and certify the level of quality of healthcare provision. The goal is to specify and verify the ownership of specific requirements related not only to the quantity of services provided, but also in terms of structural, organizational, operational, and quality of health-care provision and outcomes.

To this purpose, a committee composed of the members of the Board of Directors, after a careful analysis of the systematic review of the international literature on different hot topics related to the achievement of the level of quality required to obtain a specific accreditation, and after several meetings and telematics conventional times to get a consensus among its members, has developed a series of parameters that are required for the attainment of the same accreditation. In addition, for the purpose of obtaining a scientific validation of such a project, the same protocol of accreditation, along with the method used (systematic reviews) to process it, were the subject of a major scientific publication on “International Journal of Surgery”, the journal of great importance in the scientific international, available at the following links:

In particular, have been identified 3 progressive levels of accreditation, which can be obtained after registration of the Company:

    • Level I: Accreditation ISHAWS of the single Surgeon; accreditation is granted after completing a specific form with the certification of the achievement of the learning curves (see table below) and the number of procedures performed annually (in accordance with the criteria listed below), certified by the Tilt of the Health of the Healthcare organization/Hospital reference. The accreditation is of course temporary and is renewed annually after verification of the continuity of the surgical activities and related results.
    • Level II: Accreditation ISHAWS of the Reference center for Surgery of the Abdominal Wall; this structure (public or private accredited with the NHS) in which they operate, and at least 2 surgeons accredited ISHAWS THE level and whose accreditation has already been confirmed at least once. Therefore, the accreditation as a Centre of Reference shall be at least a year after the accreditation of surgeons. In addition to the specific parameters listed in the table, the structure must have the following requirements:
      • Service out-patient surgery.
      • The possibility of admission to a regime of emergency for patients already treated;
      • The surgeon and anesthetist guard/availability 24/7;
      • The intensive care unit in situ, or in the corporate network
      • Analysis laboratory, radiology (TC) and blood transfusion service, active or on call 24/7 in situ or in the corporate network;
      • Plastic surgery available in situ or in the corporate network;
      • Service for the treatment of complex wounds (negative pressure, etc.) available.

Moreover, the Centre of Reference will need to be home to the headquarters of the training for the Italian school of Surgery of the Abdominal Wall, and surgeons in the service of this structure must demonstrate active participation (presenter/moderator) every year for at least three events sulel issues of surgery of the abdominal wall (conference/workshop/meeting), as well as at the conference EHS every 2 years. The Centre will have to finally participate in any multi-centre studies proposed by the Company.

  • Level III: Accreditation ISHAWS of the The centre of High Specialization for Surgery of the Abdominal Wall; this structure (public or private accredited with the NHS) in which they operate, and at least 2 surgeons accredited ISHAWS THE level for which accreditation has already been confirmed, at least once, and at least 1 Surgeon-specific training. Accreditation as a Centre of High Specialization may take place at least after a year of accreditation as a Center of Reference.
    In addition to the specific parameters listed in the table, the structure must have the following requirements:

    • Service out-patient surgery.
    • The possibility of admission to a regime of emergency for patients already treated;
    • The surgeon and anesthetist guard/availability 24/7;
    • The intensive care unit in situ, or in the corporate network;
    • Analysis laboratory, radiology (TC) and blood transfusion service, active or on call 24/7 in situ or in the corporate network;
    • Plastic surgery available in situ or in the corporate network;
    • Service for the treatment of complex wounds (negative pressure, etc.) available.

    the Centre of Reference shall be the location of the training for the Italian school of Surgery of the Abdominal Wall. In addition, the Centre shall hold annually at least one event (course/workshop/meeting), and at least 2 of the following initiatives:

    • Publication of scientific works on the theme of international journals with IF;
    • Organization of multicenter studies;
    • Active participation in the congress EHS;
    • The research and development of new materials and technologies

The tables below show an outline of the requirements (including, among these, the achievement of an adequate previous experience and, therefore, a proper learning curve), which are necessary to be able to apply for accreditation as a Hernia Surgeon and, therefore, as a Centre of Reference and Centre of High Specialization.