The ISHAWS, the Italian Society of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery, the Italian chapter of the EHS, the European Hernia Society provides legal aid Society, and the use of the Logo in all of the events that have educational value of the training and that are relevant to the mission, the purpose and aims of the Company.
The methods to obtain the Patronage of:
The request, made by the scientific director of the event, a Member ISHAWS in good standing with the registration fee, must be submitted to the Secretary of the Society at least 90 days before the date of the event to be submitted to the Board of Directors, which reserves the right to express its opinion within 30 days. The judgment of the Board of Directors is final.
Send the request to:
In the letter of request must be specified:
1 The name and surname of the applicant, the qualification and where it lends its work;
2) Title, place and date of the event: the latter does not coincide with that of the events promoted directly from ISHAWS;
3 approximate Number of expected participants;
4 Sponsorship requests
5 Sponsorship request other scientific societies
The application form must be attached:
– The scientific program (even preliminary);
– A rationale that demonstrates the proceedings of the event, the purpose and the target address;
– The list of Speakers invited to participate;
The criteria used for the evaluation are the following:
– The relevance of the issues;
– Comparison of the scientific topics dealt with those events promoted in the same area as the regional/inter-regional, which have already had the patronage ISHAWS, to avoid overlap/duplication;
– Quality training and education;
– Scientific value and authority of the speakers-moderators;
The Board of Directors, to align the request to the assessment criteria laid down, reserves the right to require a few changes to the program and the plan of organization.
Mode of communication of the release of the patronage
The secretary of the Company will give notice to the applicant and, in the case of a favourable opinion: will Send the institutional logo of the Company that must be used in accordance with the guidelines laid down;
Will the publication on the website ISHAWS a dedicated banner with a link to the website of the event;
Will carry out a mass mailing to all its members
The current legislation on privacy ISHAWS is not authorized to send lists the names of the members to the promoters of the event