The educational Project of the National School of Surgery of Hernia and Abdominal Wall to the Year 2024 will be divided in 4 different times with 4 Training Events separate.

Will be 4 additional events between them, where the subjects are only partly overlapping.


The First Step National School Surgery of Hernia and Abdominal Wall. directed and open to the Assistant in Training (Residents, fellows, and Surgeons, Specialists and non-Specialists. This year will be held in Naples, italy, from 8 to 10 April 2024.

Second Step Advanced minimally Invasive Surgery of the Abdominal Wall. Directed and open to Surgeons, Specialists or Assistants-in-Training (Residents), provided they have already taken the first step of the National School. It will be held in Baggiovara from Tuesday 6 may-Thursday 9 May.

Third Step Masterclass on the Abdomen Complex with Cadaver Lab. Addressed to Surgeons, Specialists or Assistants in Training, the latter who have already attended the first step of the National School, and who have already attended at least I step. Date and Place to be determined (the SECOND half of 2024)

Congress of THE WALL Verona (October 2024)


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