December 2, 2003 consists of theItalian Chapter (Italian chapter) of the Anduropean Hernia Society (EHS),called The Italian Society of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery (ISHAWS)Italian company diChirurgia of Hernia and Abdominal Wall.
Registered Office via Pietro del Prato, 6 – 43100 Parma (PR) Vat 02574170342 – Tax code 97366390157.
The Founding members of the ISHAWS they are: Prof. G. Campanelli, Prof. F. Corcione, Prof. V. Mandalà. The founding Members are part of the right of the Executive Board.
Members of the Co-Founders of the ISHAWS they are: B. Amato, G. Amelio, L. Ansaloni,D., Balducci, F. Basile,P. Bocchi, C. Bazzoni, F. Bordone, L. Bottero, A. Bove, F. Callioni, A. Caravani, M. Carlucci, L. Cascioli, V. Ceriani, A. Coda, E. Contessini Avesani,
L. Corbellini, D. Cuccurullo, P. G. Danelli, F. D Ark, E. Faleschini, D. Fontana, A. L. Gaspari, E. Berkshire,C. Giardiello,O. Giordano, D., Greco, A. Guadalaxara, D. Guarradi, A. Gubitosi, P. Iacovoni, S. Intini, P. Ipponi, S. Licheri, A. Liuzza, M. Longoni,
C. Lorenzini, T. Lubrano, M. Wolf, F. Mari, P. Mascagni, J. Megevand, M. Menozzi, A. Mirabella, M. Mexican, P. Negro, G., Palumbo, G., Peacock, G., Peacock, M., Small, C., Rebuffat, C. Rescigno, R. Reel, G. Sala, L., Sanchez, E. Santoro,
M. Scalambra, R. Scarano, A. September, U. Tambussi, A. M. Taschieri, M. Testini, E. Trabucchi, G. Trivellini, F. Trombetta, F. Zaccaria.
The Italian Society of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery, The Italian chapter of the The European Hernia Society (EHS), is a scientific society non-profit organization that aims to:
- Refer to the international Board of EHS, and be an integral part of the EHS with a qualified national representation.
- To promote and encourage in Italy and Abroad, the development of technical and scientific research concerning the surgery repair of the abdominal wall. With this lens is made up of a Research Group (Hernia Research Group), coordinated by a manager, indicated by the Board of Directors (Executive Board)
- To encourage and develop scientific works, trials, multicenter and guidelines in the field of national, verification and quality control, according to the european standard on surgery, restorative abdominal wall. To this end it is formed a Scientific Committee (Scientific Committee) composed of at least three members of the Society, indicated by the Board of Directors (Executive Board)
- To promote, in collaboration with University Institutions, Hospitals, public and private, teaching and scientific work through courses, conferences and congresses, which have the aegis of the EHS. With these aims has established since 2009, the Italian School of Surgery of Hernia and Abdominal Wall (the Italian School of Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery), is based on an educational path, including various degrees of preparation (theoretical, practical, and advanced) on the surgery repair of the abdominal wall, in the hands of a Director and an Educational Committee, indicated by the Board of Directors (Executive Board).
- Foster links with institutions in Italy and abroad, exchange of experience and personnel in the facility a real update about the latest news, techniques and technologies relating to the material.
- To promote the dissemination of scientific information through text, audiovisual media, internet sites, and in particular, to organize their own site on the surgery repair of the abdominal wall. To this end, formed a Videolibreria (HerniaVideo Library) for the collection of contributions of the members, coordinated by a Manager, indicated by the Board of Directors (Executive Board)
- Create data banks on the matter
- Publication on the web site ( of each of the scientific work produced by the members or promoted by the Company
- The Company and its legal representatives may not engage in entrepreneurial activities or participation with them, with the exception of the activities carried out within the framework of the National Programme of Continuing Education in Medicine (ECM)
- The Company is not among the purposes of the institutional protection of the union of its members, nor does it directly or indirectly, any trade union activities.
Agm Annual:
In order to organize and implement the intended purpose and to check the state of the art, the Board of Directors (Executive Board) of the ISHAWS and the members will meet annually on the occasion of the Congress of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), and/or on the occasion of the International Congress of the EHS, the meeting, which will still be valid regardless of the number of members present and act by a simple majority on the topics of the order of the day.In the course of the meeting will be carried out, the consensus reports, for the current year, by the Secretary, with regard to the scientific activity, and the inscriptions of the National Delegates, with regard to the relations with EHS, and the treasurer for the annual accounts and budget of the company. For amendments to the constitution required the approval of a majority of the Founding Members.
Financial Aspects:
The heritage of ISHAWS is formed by the shares of membership in the chapter, which will be paid to the EHS for the share due to him, to which the members of the ISHAWS will be at the same time members of the EHS, and will be entitled to receive the official organ of the press of the EHS, the magazine “Hernia”, published by Springer-Verlag. In addition, the assets shall consist of any funds derived from contributions from public and private donations, bequests of private and anything else left explicitly to it. Any income, the balance sheet will be paid for the expenses of administration, teaching activities, implementation of scientific projects and anything else relating to the subject matter.
It is scheduled to be published on the site ( of the balance sheets, budgets, and the paid position.
Will adhere to ISHAWS all graduates in Medicine and Surgery, as well as the representatives of the companies of the sector and the companies, as supporting members who are involved in the activities of the’ ISHAWS and that this could be a sponsor.
The members are:
- The founding members
- Co-founders
- Sustaining members
- Ordinary members
- Honorary members
All members, except honorary members, are required to pay annual and in a timely manner of the registration fee. For the Members, the annual registration fee is at least equal to ten times the ordinary share.
The non-payment of membership fees will result in the revocation of membership for each of the membership categories, the decay of the charge, or the inability to register for applicants.
The membership of the ISHAWS take place by means of a simple request by completing the form provided on the website and payment of the fee via bank transfer or credit card.
The governing body of the ISHAWS is the Governing Council, made up of the following:
- The Founding Members (Founding Members) already referred to above;
- President (President), identified in the National Delegate outgoing;
- National Delegate (National Delegate) designated by the International Board of the EHS on the proposal of the Board of Directors of the outgoing Executive Board) who chooses among the members in good standing with the inscription;
- Board Of Directors (Executive Board) composed of eight members, regular members, elected for a vote by the general Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors appoints two members of the board elected the following functions:
°The Secretary (Secretary)
°Treasurer (Treasurer) - The delegates to the website (Website Delegates), consisting of 2 members elected with the mode of the Directors, without the right to vote;
° The institutional positions have a term of three years, with the exception of the Founding Members who are part of the law.
° The Members of the Board may be re-elected for two more terms. Must declare not to have conflicts of interest with their position in the social and not to have undergone sentences which have become res judicata in relation to the activity of the company itself.
° The election for the renewal of the institutional positions every three years, will take place through the suffrage of the members having the right, that will be able to express their preferences through electronically. The Secretariat will send to all subscribers in a list of candidates that have been proposed to preside over the Governing Council, at least thirty days before the date of the election. In the event of a tie between the preferences, you will be prompted for a new suffrage among the beneficiaries, limited to the contendersFeatures:
– The President, the Legal representative of the Company, has the duties of directors in connection with the Secretary and the Treasurer. Shall convene the Board of Directors and in accordance with it organizes the activities and scientific. It is through with the Companies for any sponsorships.
– The National Delegate it is the official representative of the ISHAWS (Italian Chapter) at the EHS. In close collaboration with the President, plays a role in the link between the ISHAWS and the EHS, supporting any requests and recalling the decisions taken by both the parties.
– The Director And Secretaryassisting the President in the discharge of its functions is in charge of the records of members and contact details. In collaboration with the Delegates to the website load quickly communicate to all Members the activities of the Company.
– The Counselor, Treasurer preserves the registration fees, it urges the payment of annual dues, shall make the documented expenses of management, shall be responsible in connection with the National Delegate, to the payment of the amounts due to the EHS. Manages the assets of the company and presents the final budget for the current year and the budget for the year to come.
– The two Web Delegated have the function to assist the webmaster in updating the company website and you are through with the institutional offices for the editorial choices on the site. Manage the videolibreria for the collection of contributions of the members, coordinated by a Responsible, determined by the Board of Directors. Publish on the web site ( each of the scientific work produced by the members or promoted by the Company.
– Scientific Committee (Scientific Committee) composed of at least three members of the Society, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors carries out the functions of quality assurance and control, according to the european standard on surgery, restorative abdominal wall and evaluates the scientific value of the research undertaken under the auspices of the society.
– National school of Surgery of the Abdominal Wall
The pedagogical Council of the School is composed of:
° The School's director, who is appointed by the Board of Directors.
° Founding members ( G. Campanelli, P. L. Ipponi and P. Negro) with permanent
° The president, by the National Delegates, the Secretary, the Treasurer, ISHAWS in charge, and 2 members to serve three-year terms, elected from among Members of the’ ISHAWS by the Board of Directors at the beginning of his mandate.
The Board has the main function of the address and of the organization of the teaching activity, appointment of teachers, accredits the Regional Centres for the training, practice, and at the end of the courses drop the fees for the degrees.
The Teaching staff is composed by experts of the subject, included in the Company for at least three years, who have formulated a request for the assignment and, conscious of their role, have accepted the teaching plan of the School as well as the most common rules of professional and ethical.
The board of Directors, in its sole discretion, reserves the allocation and revocation of the assignments. The members of the ISHAWS you agree not to implement activities, scientific or didactic, inherent in matter, in the field of national and international, under the auspices or sponsorship of the E. H. S., without the express consent of the President and the National Delegate.
The President ISHAWS
Pier Luigi Ipponi
Florence, 03 November 2017